Descrição do Projeto

A Kingoal Milling forneceu uma solução abrangente para um cliente na Zâmbia, incluindo a instalação de um moinho de farinha de milho de 45 toneladas, máquina de moagem de farinha de trigo, e silo de armazenamento. Nossa equipe trabalhou em estreita colaboração com o cliente para garantir que o projeto fosse concluído no prazo e com satisfação.

The 45-ton maize flour mill is designed for high-performance and efficient milling of maize grains. The wheat flour milling machine is also built to the highest quality standards, ensuring reliable performance and minimal downtime.

In addition to the milling equipment, we also provided a storage silo with a capacity suitable for the client’s needs. The silo is designed for safe and secure storage of grains, and includes transportation, cleaning, and discharging features.

Our team worked diligently to ensure that the installation process went smoothly, and that the client was fully satisfied with the final result. We take pride in providing tailored solutions to meet the unique needs of our clients, and we are committed to delivering quality products and exceptional service every step of the way.

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