Descripción del Proyecto

Kingoal Milling completó recientemente un proyecto en Tanzania para la instalación de un molino harinero de maíz de 100T, maquina de molienda de harina de trigo, y silo de almacenamiento. El proyecto fue un éxito y resultó en una mayor capacidad de producción y una mayor eficiencia de la instalación.. Our team worked closely with the client throughout the entire process, from design to installation, to ensure that their specific needs and requirements were met.

The maize flour mill and wheat flour milling machine installed were equipped with the latest technology, ensuring high-quality flour production. The storage silo was designed and built to meet the facility’s specific storage needs, providing safe and efficient storage of the final products. The project was completed within the agreed timeline and budget, and the client was satisfied with the final result.

En Kingoal Milling, we are committed to providing our clients with the best solutions for their milling needs. We have extensive experience in projects of this scale and are dedicated to delivering high-quality products and services to our clients. Contact us to learn more about our capabilities and how we can assist with your next project.

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